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Breaking Barriers Mission


Breaking Barriers is a Multimedia project created by Newcastle University Journalism students, who are aiming to show how migrant women try to integrate themselves into the British society.


Starting the project in March 2014, four journalist students were given three months

to pull off an extraordinary and insightful project. The task was to create a website

that showcased our multimedia talents and our efforts at working as a team.


We ultimately decided upon examining the concept of migrating to another

country and the challenges that women were facing in this current climate.

We formulated this theme after two of our members had interviewed a registered charity named ‘JET’ earlier that month. The initial interview was in relation to International Women’s Day (March 8th 2014) and with that in mind, all four of us knew it was a significant topic that was close to all our hearts.


At the start of the project, we started out with the necessary planning of who, what and when to interview certain candidates for the project. We gathered up the essential research about the topic, the organisations and the people that we were going to work with. As the project progressed, we identified each person’s expertise in certain skill backgrounds, including broadcasting, organising, filming and editing; and taught one another the skills that we wanted to develop upon.


Throughout the project, we talked to both close relatives and

organisations to study and understand different aspects of our

topic. Whilst our core objective was dedicated towards

women, we felt it was important to broaden our scope to

get male perspectives and media responses; so we could

encourage curiosity from all ages.


We wanted to showcase the diverse range of areas that female

migration encompasses, and hopefully give a little assurance to

those ever considering migrating to another country that

they are not alone.


We are Breaking Barriers and we hope you enjoy our site.


Alexandra, Hazhan, Priscillia and Yangxiameng




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